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VAMW providing supported living in Lanarkshire







Potential Living provides a service for people with learning disabilities based upon an idea which has come to be known as "Supported Living". An important part of what we do is recognise that you are an individual with rights and choices and should be in charge of your own life. We will do this by enabling you to live in a decent and safe home of your own. Also by recognising that the type and amount of help you need may vary up or down and acting on this. 


Our Obligations to You As a user of the service

We acknowledge that in order to assist you effectively we must earn your trust and the distinction of being your ally by...


  • Treating you with respect and listening carefully to you so that we can keep getting to know you better
  • Learning with you about your interests and preferences and working with you to ensure a safe decent base for your participation in community life
  • Learning with you about the kind, amount and style of assistance you need to live successfully in your home and your community
  • Recognise the social, financial and personal barriers to the kind of home life you want and assisting you to work to overcome them
  • Understanding the vulnerabilities to your well-being and that result from your learning difficulty and your personal history and carefully negotiating safeguards with you that balance risk and safety in a responsible way
  • Being flexible and creative with all the resources available to us to respond as your interests and needs changed
  • Keeping responsibilities clear so that, in every area in which we work together, you and we know that you will contribute and what assistance and support we will contribute
  • Minimising our intrusion in your life by periodically checking to make sure that we are not doing unnecessary things or doing necessary things in intrusive ways
  • Following through on our commitments to you and not making promises that we can't keep
  • Sticking with you in difficult times
  • Learning from our mistakes

We recognise that social, legal and service developments open many new possibilities for people with learning difficulties and we accept responsibility to...


  • Provide you with information
  • Invite and encourage you to try new experiences
  • Invite and encourage you to widen your circle of friends
  • Hold high expectations for the quality of your life as a full citizen and community member
  • Stretch our own awareness of the possibilities by actively seeking contacts

We know that you could find yourself in conflict with others; neighbours, landlords, other service providers, or the law; in these conflicts we recognise our responsibility...


  • To be on your side, in the sense that we will assist you to achieve the best resolution of the conflict possible in the circumstances
  • To assist you to understand the conflict and to consider alternative for its resolution
  • To assist other parties to the conflict to understand your position
  • To consider adjusting the kind or extent of the assistance we offer you if that adjustment will help to achieve a satisfactory resolution of the conflict.

We realise that you may disagree with us or be dissatisfied with our assistance to you and we accept responsibility to...


  • Negotiate openly with you in search of mutually satisfying outcomes
  • Try new ways to assist you and then check to see if the new approach has good results
  • Work hard to understand your communications about the adequacy and acceptability of assistance especially when you can express yourself better through your behaviour than in words
  • Assist you to explore other sources of assistance available if you so wish

VAMW providing supported living in Lanarkshire








Our Response On Call (ROC) service is based at VAMW House which is situated in the quiet residential area of North Lodge in Motherwell and at present provides advice, monitoring of technology and emergency assistance 24hrs per day to the people we support.


Our plans for the future involve making ROC's services available within the local community to adults of any age requiring support, whether they have a learning disability or not.


We will keep you up-to-date with the development of this exciting service via our new web-site when it goes live. 


You can log onto the Care Commission's website to read our latest inspection reports, you can search using the service number which is listed below;


Project Care Commission Service Number
Potential Living CS2004069056 & CS2004069062





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Registered Office: John Thomson House, Glencairn Street, Motherwell, ML1 1TT

Tel: 01698 244344    Fax: 01698 244345    Email:    Web:

Registered Company No 125649    Registered Charity No SC 008731

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